Technion MBA Program – Subcontractor

 Subcontracted to Develop a Large Scale Website to

Meet Exact Graphic Specifications

Brought into this project at a crucial point: 

Have you heard about the term / lingo “Pixel Perfect Design“? It implies that after giving much thought and careful attention to minute details, graphic designers have created images and wireframes that depict how a website should look like and behave.

There are many upsides to such design efforts. Ranging from marketing and branding to easy navigation. The down side of “Pixel Perfect Design” is that it requires much work from the developers, to customize WordPress (or another content management system) to look-and-feel exactly as the designer orders.

Such was the case of the WordPress based website for the Technion’s MBA Program. 
Brought (by the contractor who was hired by the Technion MBA) to continue development and to create the website based on the Pixel Perfect Design specifications.

In addition, in order to move from testing to production servers, the website had to undergo an inspection by the Technion for security vulnerabilities. This required careful consideration if which plugin to use.